every person who endeavors to make a display of himself, who endeavors to impress upon the minds of other persons the fact that he is a little smarter, a little above them, universally is looked upon by them as a fool.
Archive for July, 2011
on the best terms with the inhabitants of palaces, with the faces familiar to kings, aristocrats and potentates.
that you may have a chance to steal a hundred.
–tattling is the rubbish, weeds, thistles, thorns, etc., of speech, and is detrimental to good morals.
–make your evening meal the largest one.
do not want anything except poverty–wold not have a thousand acres of good land if you were to give it to them–they would trade it for a saloon, and then give the saloon away. Hundreds of times the author has asked the question: “Why do you not save your money and buy you a little home?” and almost invariably received the following answer: “What do I want with a home? I wouldn’t be bothered with one.”
–there is no fool like a rich fool.
to be very sprightly or active–he is not made that way.
–there are mightier things to-day than ever before.
because home manufacturers charge you too much–your neighbor may have sold the goods to your New York or London merchant.