–it is an evidence of slovenliness, and no tidy, cleanly woman will do it, no matter what the fashion is.
–it is an evidence of slovenliness, and no tidy, cleanly woman will do it, no matter what the fashion is.
if you have any regard for your health.
–they keep the feet damp and tender.
–better break their necks and be done with it.
–you are liable to neglect your home, and may sometimes forget you have a husband.
–it lowers you in the estimation of sensible persons.
–he will be fickle and worthless.
–she never will love you, and if she permits her mother to do the housework while she pounds the piano, primps, powders, paints, and receives callers, it is the best evidence that she does not love her.
a person who thinks only of his clothes and shape–a being with a little brain and less sense.
is the person who thinks all other persons are fools.