–it retards digestion, causes you to swallow your food before it is properly masticated, and is the principle cause of your eating too much.
spends more money for tobacco, beer and whisky than he does for what he eats and wears.
because they do not divide with you–remember that, as a rule, if you were rich you would be the biggest hog in the market.
any person whose top front head is large and whose lower front head or perceptive region is small, giving the front head an overhanging expression–such a person is devoid of business capacity, and has no practical talent.
the torch of reason to every question of right and wrong–if it will not endure the test, discard it.
is five dollars, but as he is an old customer you will sell it to him for four dollars. If he is not an idiot he will conclude you are a fool.
you have carefully examined it–do not be afraid of offending those persons interested in your signing it.
on the cushions of the seats–it is absolutely hoggish, and so unmannerly that it should bring the blush of shame to the face of a hyena. It is frequently done by men and women who appear to have about them some of the elements of common decency. Think of entering your friend’s parlor and burying your dirty foot gear in the clean and costly cushion of a chair! All that can be said about it is, that no decent person will do it. We have heard this language from scores of railroad men, and from other persons whose culture and decency have never been questioned.
Be yourself at all times.
It is very injurious to both health and morals–injurious to the health, if you are really sorry, and injurious to the morals, if, as it is, in thousands of cases, simply a fashion. You have no right to violate nature’s laws, nurse sorrow, nor impress it upon others by wearing long faces and black robes. Modesty alone, should prevent you from doing it–from advertising your frailties. Stop and think a little about this relic of barbarism, and sacrilegious rite.