–you cannot love him.
–“flirt” and virtue are never on intimate terms–“flirt” and harlot would suit better.
–he is a cross between a rooster, a monkey and a peacock–an unclassified nothing.
–you may be mistaken and may regret it as long as you live. Sometimes there is a reaction.
are those who think but little of riches, think but little of fame, think but little of what the world thinks of them, think but little of how they appear to others.
–it will make you so chicken-hearted that you will be frightened at your own shadow.
–it is the height of boorishness.
–it is heating, and makes you a better subject for disease. Eat it sparingly.
a day spend three times as much money, as a rule, for tobacco, beer, whiskey, etc., as the millionaires.
if you were rich–the probability is, you would be a haughty fool.