in other words, never be a fool. Fools generally think they are smarter than any other persons.
to become distinguished, to become famous, to fill the high offices, the high positions of the country, will universally breed discontent and misery.
is almost universally accompanied by cleanliness of action. Those whose talk is vulgar are vulgar in their associations with their fellow man.
–you will suffer for it; it will return to you with double compound interest.
–the less the better for your stomach. Eat a great variety, and waste as little thought about its effects as possible.
earning ten dollars a week, can save four of it and live better than he does, and be happier.
about getting rich never get rich unless by accident, and then they become laughing stock.
whose noses are “sway-backed” (concaved)–they seldom, if ever, are noted for a high degree of manliness.
–there are older men to-day than ever before.
a coat made for the Prince of Wales–he may not wish to run the risk of being mistaken for that royal sprig.