—airs and ass both begin with an a.
unless you are a counterfeit expert.
–the odor of the smoke passes into the cars and annoys passengers.
of saying madam, sir, etc., too frequently. It signifies a lack of independence.
the history of dead persons. The living demand all your attention.
–they are unnatural, and produce many nervous disorders, besides making you awkward and pigeon-toed.
at least once a day, as filthy feet are frequently the cause of an offensive breath; besides, water applied to the soles of the feet is the best nervous tonic.
when it is cold–it is a source of great harm–secretive and modest women will not wear them at any time.
an empty stomach–it is contrary to nature, and no healthy person can sleep well if the stomach is empty. Tell those persons who do not believe this doctrine they are “green”.
and as bewitchingly as you did when he was courting you, and he always will be in love with you.