Never say

Posted by: Landyin Errors of Speech

seldom ever for seldom if ever.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Never visit a cemetery

Posted by: Landyin Mourning

when there is any other place to go.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Never wear long hair,

Posted by: Landyin Dress

unless you are a woman–long hair and crank are intimate acquaintances.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

from becoming offensive.  The following will cure any case:  “A few grains permanganate of potash dissolved in a quart of tepid or warm water–bathe the soles of the feet a few minutes–take them out and let them dry; then sprinkle over the bottoms and between the toes a little hyperclodium.  Apply this prescription twice a week for two months, and once a month afterwards, until entirely cured.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

–women who persist in tight lacing should be sent to the lunatic asylum.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Never repeat to them

Posted by: Landyin Your Children

the early bird and worm story–it is a musty old chestnut.  Teach them that very few early risers ever amount to much, and that early rising is not healthful.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

–jealousy is something no husband can endure very long–it will drive him to do something desperate.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Never keep from her anything

Posted by: Landyin Your Wife

that interests you both–she has a right to know.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

–if he saves nothing before marriage, the probability is he will not after.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

–very few of them make good, gentle, affectionate, loving wives.  Loving-kindness is born of tribulation.

Rating 3.00 out of 5