after arising in the morning, so that your breath will be sweet.
Archive for the "Cleanliness" Category
–better go out of the room.
–it is about as filthy as using another person’s tooth-brush.
(prominent persons at that, and persons who are supposed to be cultured,)–expectorate while at the table–such persons should be kicked out as hogs.
A person who will expectorate in a dining room is a brute.
–it is a filthy habit.
A shampoo of dissolved castile soap and white of an egg is about the best. Apply once or twice a week.
from becoming offensive. The following will cure any case: “A few grains permanganate of potash dissolved in a quart of tepid or warm water–bathe the soles of the feet a few minutes–take them out and let them dry; then sprinkle over the bottoms and between the toes a little hyperclodium. Apply this prescription twice a week for two months, and once a month afterwards, until entirely cured.
at least once a day, as filthy feet are frequently the cause of an offensive breath; besides, water applied to the soles of the feet is the best nervous tonic.
with something pleasant if it is offensive. If you cannot find anything better, eat onions once or twice a day–anything is preferable to an offensive breath.
–use a tooth brush at least twice a day–a little tooth powder now and then will remove the tartar.